Wednesday, December 10, 2014

10 Things for teen girls {a Family Christian review}

You are beautiful. You are valuable. You are enough.

10 Things for Teen Girls by Kate Conner is surprisingly not a book I would want my 12 year old reading. Yes, I know that she’s not technically a teen but she’s close enough. Although the book is entitled to teen girls, I believe it to be more suited for young women, like late teens (18-19) and early 20s.

Within the first ten pages you encounter topic like:

Men like to look at women.

Men like to look at women. Even married men. Even happily married men. Even good, kind, respectful, stand-up men. Even Christian men. Men are hardwired to enjoy women… Women are beautiful and men like to look at them.

You think you don’t want guys to stare at you but that’s not true. You just don’t want the wrong guy to stare at you.

When the right man looks at you (to be clear, the right man is the man you marry), you walk a little taller, feel a little more beautiful. When my husband compliments my appearance, I feel secure in my relationship- secure in myself.

Because Kate writes the book with the voice of a married woman, I have a hard time believing my daughter would be able to connect with the author and relate to her situations in the book. That being said, this book is a good one for the older group of ladies I mentioned above.

The book is filled with many witty, humorous tales from college and life in general. And she has some great pointers about social media and the damage it can cause.

Facebook doesn’t cause drama; people cause drama.

Facebook doesn’t isolate you; you isolate you.

Twitter doesn’t suck your time; you waste your time.

Twitter doesn’t make anyone narcissistic; it gives people an outlet for displaying their previously existing narcissism.

I believe that social media (like almost every other thing) is neutral. It isn’t innately awesome or innately terrible; it is what you make it.

The degree to which you overshare is the degree to which everyone else will butt in… It is with social media as it is with all of life. You have to take the good and leave the rest.

Kate offers much good advice on topics like drama, procrastination and taming emotions.

To get control of your emotions you must continually check them against two things- 1. Truth 2. God’s Word.

Maintaining good character is an important topic to Kate and she give excellent insights into it.

Your community is on the witness stand, your behavior is the evidence and the verdict is your reputation.
How true is that??

my bottom line

I believe his book would be an excellent one to give as a graduation gift to any lady headed off to college.

It is well written and fun to read once you can get passed all the talk about men looking at women and sex. While I don’t agree that the book is exactly great for teens, it is a good one for young women.

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Many thanks to Family Christian Stores. These opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this honest review and post.

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