I am in dire need of some self-discipline so I have decided to take the challenges presented by Crystal Paine in her book 21 Days To A More Disciplined Life. Read more about why I took this challenge here.
Day 3 introduces the life hack. Apparently, a life hack is a simple tweak in your routine that boosts your productivity. Life hacks are all about psychology and brightening your outlook. Until today, I had never heard of a life hack, but now I am so very glad I did.
"When I walk into the kitchen early in the morning and see that it is sparkling, does that really make my day easier? No, but it sure feels like it!... On the other hand, if I walk into the kitchen and see dishes piled high and spaghetti sauce smears on my table, my heart just sinks. I feel overwhelmed and behind. My life then feels out of control."
When I first read about the life hack concept, the example that immediately popped into my head happened to be the same one Crystal later gave. The dishes in my kitchen are indeed a constant battle for me. Like I said previously, I don't do dishes, my kids do. However... there are many a night that I let them slide and do the dishes in the morning. Or, they will "forget" to sweep the floor and leave dried bits of nastiness for me to step on in the morning. Nine times out of ten, I am up first- which means I am greeted with the mess. That kind of morning greeting always puts me in a foul mood and just like Crystal said, I get overwhelmed.
On the flip side, isn't it great walking into a clean kitchen in the morning? I love being able to do my morning bible study at the kitchen table without having to clear a spot to set my things. My bible and my coffee in a sparkling kitchen.. sounds like a great start of the day to me!
Day 3 has given me a new life hack- making sure the kitchen is spotless before I go to bed.
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