Monday, November 18, 2013

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life- Day 2 {small changes}

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I am in dire need of some self-discipline so I have decided to take the challenges presented by Crystal Paine in her book 21 Days To A More Disciplined Life. Read more about why I took this challenge here.

Day 1 required me to think of a mega-project and break it down into 21 steps. My mega-project was super easy to think of.. Self Organization!!

 I am a disorganized mess. I cannot tell you how many times a day I ask, "where is...". My vehicle is a mess. My desk is a mess. The kitchen, bathrooms and living rooms are usually clean but that is ultimately because of my older kids. I don't do dishes, clean up toys or bathrooms and I don't dust. I do occasionally vacuum; actually, I enjoy vacuuming. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect perfection in my home by any means. I know the house will look lived in; I wouldn't have it any other way! Now, having written that, it sounds like I don't do much. I do lots of things- my desk is proof it.

Proof that I am either a slob or simply a disorganized person who needs help!
(I'm hoping for the latter)

Day 2 of the book says discipline is a process.

"Making small changes over time cements new habits in a way that quick, drastic changes cannot... Instead, you have to focus on changing one thing, and then you actually have to follow through."

Today's task is to change one small habit and STICK WITH IT. While there are a multitude of small habits I could change, I'm going with the I-tend-to-lay-things-down-when-I-don't-know-where-to-put-them-or-am-just-loo-lazy-to-do-it-properly habit.

Case in point
This is the ledge between my loft (schoolroom)and stairs.
Not laying things down wherever I am standing will be a hard one, but knowing my God, He will give me the determination to see it through and the grace to forgive myself when I slip up.


  1. I think I should probably read that book too! I could use some help in that area too... ;) Good for you for going for it!

  2. I'm working on organisation my self right's an ongoing process! Good luck to you :-)
