Wednesday, July 23, 2014

2014-2015 Homeschool Curriculum Choices {Preschool, Middle School & High School?!?}

Be sure to check out my friends' (and fellow IAHE Bloggers) posts on their curriculum choices.  They will be linked below!

Newborn. Two Preschoolers. 6th grader. Sophomore.


We start school in 5 days. I am due with my 5th child in about a month and a half. Am I somewhat scared of how this will all turn out? Yes. HOWEVER, I know God is in control, which means everything will be okay in the end. My children will succeed and I will survive. The task ahead (the weeks and months of transitioning to a new way of life) makes me nervously giggle. But this blog post is about curriculum, which makes me smile. Doesn't curriculum-talk make you smile?

I have spent months and months planning and preparing for this year. For the most part, I am done planning. I have my hardcopy lesson plans done (except Oscar's MOH) so all I have to do is transfer to my Well Planned Day Planner on our off week. This year we will be schooling 6 weeks on and 1 week off from the end of July until roughly the middle/end of May.

In the interest of being real (imperfect parenting) I took all the pictures this morning
with the house "As Is". Life is messy and so is my house. :)

So, here's what my Sophomore is doing...
Teaching Textbooks Geometry

Rod & Staff English 7 (PLUS Writing Strands and English from the Roots Up- all of which will be done as a group with both the big kids and myself) Can you tell we are focusing on Language Arts this year?

Mystery of History Volume II

Mango Italian

Cat and Dog Theology Year 2 (3 days a week) and Rod and Staff's Story of God's Family year 7 (2 days a week)

Abeka Science Matter and Energy
Speech through coop

It looks like a lot but the way I've scheduled it out... it's really not. For the most part, we have regular school days Monday through Thursday, with Friday being light days- only Togethers and a couple of independent subjects

For those wondering how we are doing MOH for high school, I've scheduled it like this...
Monday- Lesson, memory card, Bible reading
Tuesday- Lesson, memory card, activity
Wednesday- Lesson, memory card, extra reading
Thursday- Review, reading, activity
Friday- exercise/quiz, reading

I found Illumination's curriculum and literature checklist to be extremely helpful. They schedule MOH II and give lots of good literature to schedule to correlate with the text. Scroll down to the bottom of the link above for a printable version of the checklist.

Our Togethers are books or subjects we/I read aloud and do together on a daily basis. They consist of:
Rod and Staff English (M-Th)
Naming Living Things and Jack's Insects I'll probably alternate
Both kids have Rod and Staff Readers (M & Th) - they'll read these aloud to me individually and we'll go over the comprehension questions together
What Your 6th Grader Needs to Know- normally I'm not a fan of these types of books but this particular one has a lot of "tidbit" information I'd like to cover with the kids. For example: popular sayings- what they mean and where they came from. This one I'll just pull out a couple times a week.

As we finish these books I'll find other ones I'd like to read together... the list is long. :)

That's Julia's desk... covered with coloring books, crayons, play-dough, the contents of a diaper bag and a dinosaur. Hopefully I'll get it cleaned off before Monday.
That black cube holds her school books- she's always been a fan of the cube-storage-method.
My sixth grader will be doing:
Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra

Simply Charlotte Mason's Mathew through Acts & Ancient Rome (geography, Bible, history)

Queen's Discovering Nature Series: Mary's Meadow (science)

Mango French

Rod and Staff English 7 (along with all the other LA stuff in our Togethers)
Of course she has a reading list to work her way through also

My preschoolers will be working through Confession of a Homeschooler's Letter of the Week curriculum. The turquoise cube holds the first six weeks of lessons, each of their letter binders and supplies.

In case you're wondering, the black cube is our "Goodwill basket" where I throw miscellaneous things until our next drop off trip. Why do I keep the basket here? I honestly have no clue.

And since I was taking pictures, here's our bookshelves and craft cabinet (the half yellow one... don't ask)

Well, there you have our schoolroom, our curriculum choices and our mess.
Happy Homeschooling!!!

Now go check out what my friends are planning this year!

Be sure to visit the other IAHE Bloggers posts:

Our Homeschool Studio

The Homeschool Marm

Wonderfully Chaotic

Simply Vicki

In All You Do: 4th grade 

In All You Do: PreSchool

Best Homeschool Academy

Adventures in Homeschooling

In All You Do: Kindergarten

Are you homeschooling in Indiana?  We'd love to connect with you!


  1. Looks like a busy, but fun year! Enjoy!

  2. some of these I haven't heard of before. :)

  3. Looks like a great year you have planned. I have a new baby this year and I keep telling myself, just take it one day at a time and everything will fall into place. God bless!
