Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Life Update 6/24/14

First things first... I need to apologize for  my absence. I honestly hadn't realized how long it had been since I posted anything. Oops.

What's new?

1. We have bunnies!! Two cotton-tail bunnies. And other than pooping all the time, they are pretty easy to take care of.

2. I have gone through two cell phones in a week. The first one went caput on its own but the second one... well, it may have taken a dive on the interstate from the roof of my van. ( I blame pregnancy brain)

3. I made my husband's favorite cookies for the first time in a LONG time. He adores lemon drop cookies and simply don't make them often enough.

4. I'm nearing my third trimester and the first trimester exhaustion seems to have returned. I'm sleeping 8-9 hours a night and laying down when the babies take their nap and I'm still exhausted. I feel better after the nap but by 9:30 I'm ready to pass out. I don't remember it being like this but this is my first pregnancy after 30. I've been told by several people that the body just doesn't cope as well after 30.

5. Starting tomorrow my husband is on vacation from work for a week. We were going to actually go somewhere on vacation but decided to use the money to fix up (paint and such) the house so we can sell it. Long term I know we made the right decision... or at least that's what I keep telling myself. 

That's about it for now.

I'll share my recipe for the lemon drop cookies here soon!

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