Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Summer Reading List for Mom

As soon as May rolls around the summer reading list buzz begins. Library summer reading programs, public school inspired lists, living book lists, Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and Scholastic are just a few to mention. Both of my (reading) children have tentative reading lists for the next couple of months. With the help of Moving Beyond the Page, my most reluctant reader (also known as the boy who couldn't make it passed a preface) just finished his first 24 chapter book! The confidence that program gave him is without compare. I highly recommend it!

Back to my list...

So, like most moms or maybe it's just us homeschool moms... I have a To Be Read Bookshelf. Seriously. We have several bookcases in the house and one of them is devoted to books I haven't yet read but want to. Many of the books found on this particular case I have started at one time or another but not finished for various reasons. Mostly my own lack of discipline, HOWEVER, I have a new fire under my tush!! At approximately the same time - late August / early September - I am due to give birth to my fifth child and start our 2014-2015 school year. Did I mention that this year I am planning preschool, middle school and high school grades? Nuts, I know.

There are several books I've really been wanting to read, reread or finish for the first time and so I've made it a goal to get these read before I give birth.

Yes, it's a race between my reading speed and God's timing. I fear I may lose.

Without further ado... my summer reading list
a.k.a. the books I hope to read before I give birth


This book I read a year or so ago and LOVED it. She's great for getting you motivated and beautifully breaks down the process of de-cluttering into easy to follow steps. I need to refresh my organizing spirit, so this is my go-to book.


Written by the same woman, Karen Ehman, this one is good for the heart and mind. Karen is by nature, not the Mrs. Suzy Homemaker we all really want to be. Her talent is teaching us how she managed to pull it off with a mix of common sense, humor, tough love and of course, scripture. I'm about halfway through this one. I got my current copy from the library but will most likely end up buying it- it's that good.

Praying for our children is quite possibly the most important thing we can do for them. Knowing this, I have to admit that I am not a prayer warrior. Most days, my feeble prayer for my children go something like this, "Lord, keep them safe, make them behave and help them make right choices." or "God, please make them be nice to each other." or "Jesus, please open his mind and let this lesson come easily to him." 
I (and they) miss out on so much by me not praying for them like I should. I look forward to the direction, encouragement and motivation I receive from this book.

It's so easy to say "stop it!" and move on, but shouldn't we take time to tell them why? Or what about what God has to say on the subject? Whole-child discipline takes time and A LOT of patience. Ginger Plowman teaches us how it really can be done. The Kindle version is on sale for $1.99 right now... I would snag this one if I didn't already have it!

Reading aloud to my children is definitely something I want to do more with them. This upcoming school year includes a lot of reading aloud, both on my part and from an older child to a younger one. I've read this one before but want to read it again... especially for the upcoming school year. Unlike the common misconception, reading aloud to children is not just meant for little ones. Even high schoolers like (and need) to be read to.

After hearing about it for years, I picked it up at convention back in April. I have mean to read it several times but of course, always got sidetracked. I'm determined this time!!
Side note... Hal and Melanie Young do a show called Making Biblical Family Life Practical on the Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network. The entire network is FREE and you can listen to past shows anytime. (you're welcome)
Well, there it is- my list.
What are you reading this summer? Did you follow someone else's recommendations or just grab something new from the library?
Thanks for reading and God Bless!!

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, I love your summer reading list! Definitely going to check some of these out!

    Thanks for sharing.
