Good news...
1. My husband referred to himself as a "homeschool dad" for the first time. Ever.
2. The freezer is so stocked with dinners that I haven't had to make an actual dinner meal in over two weeks.
3. I just reread More Charlotte Mason Education: A Home Schooling How-To Manual and have a refreshed view of homeschooling and my goals for this upcoming year have been clarified. (YAY!!)
4. My husband has never been a reader. It used to bug me but eventually I let it go and resigned myself to the fact that we would never sit side by side in bed reading. GUESS WHAT??? He has taken to reading!! Nearly every night for a while now we have indeed sat side by side reading.
5. I have learned not to procrastinate with my reviews and have actually been working ahead of the few days they are due! I know this sounds like common sense but for her Royal Highness the Queen of Procrastination its A BIG DEAL.
Not so good news...
1. Two of my chickens either a.) flew away or b.) got carried off an eaten by an owl/eagle. I'm choosing to believe it was the former and still look for them when we go on walks or drive in/out of the neighborhood.
2. I planted all my seedlings outside and the next day we had a massive wind/rain/hail storm. I don't know if ANY of it will survive. :(
What about you? What are your highs and lows for the past week?
Thanks for reading and God Bless!!
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