About the book:
We all want to change the world, but as Pastor Eugene Cho found out, it takes more than just desire. It takes action. In this personal confession he encourages readers to discover a practical discipleship that begins with the recognition that changing the world starts with changing ourselves.Many people today talk about justice, but are they living justly? They want to change the world, but are they being changed themselves? Eugene Cho shares his story, a messy, painful story of being more in love with the ideas behind the actions than counting the cost and being a world-changer in action. Because everyone loves justice and compassion, but few have taken it upon themselves to truly live it out in their own lives. Cho is still on that journey to discover what it means, and invites readers to join him.
Eugene Cho's book both tickled my funny bone and convicted my heart. His transparent display of failures, lack of humility, gatherings of stuff (like convertibles!) makes him come across as someone you could sit down and have a cup of coffee with. Cho calls this book his confession... and it truly is. From cover to cover he lays it all out, checks his living with Christ's life and then challenges the reader to do the same.
In one chapter he gives statistics for people and children both around the world and here in the US. While the numbers are staggering and the mental pictures prick our hearts, that's not enough. How long will we "know" the numbers and say something to the effect of, "yeah, that's too bad" or "poor kids" as we turn the channel so we don't have to look at their dirty malnourished faces?
"one in five human beings live in extreme poverty, scraping by on just $1.25 a day"
I remember reading that chapter very vividly, know why? As I was reading about the impoverished people around the world and in my own back yard, I glanced up to check on my toddlers..
Both of whom where eating their Greek yogurt cups, in front of our 52" television that occupies an entire corner in one of the two living rooms in our 3200 sqft home.
My heart sank as I looked around at the excess. The overflowing toys, books, movies, baby equipment and oversized sofas. And that's just what was in immediate sight.
I am blessed beyond reason. I am rich beyond belief.
Cho's book really drives home the truth that we live in a world of more. We always need (more like want) more. And then when we finally have what we believe to be enough, something new comes along and the circle continues.
"We have enough.
We are blessed and blessed immensely.
God has given us enough.
God is our enough."
I found this one line to sum up the entire idea of his book.. "We need to pursue and practice a theology of generosity, simplicity, and contentment."
This is indeed an amazing book that you will come back to time and time again. I challenge any believer to read it. I am so thankful to be able to give a copy away to one of my readers.
About the author:
Eugene is the founder and visionary of One Day’s Wages, a grassroots movement of people, stories, and actions to alleviate extreme global poverty. He is the founder and senior pastor of Quest Church, an urban, multicultural, and multigenerational church in Seattle, Washington. Eugene and his wife, Minhee, have three children. Connect with author Eugene Cho on Facebook and Twitter.
Check out the book trailer!
And now for the Giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
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