Friday, August 22, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up ~ 8-22-14

In general, I have two favorite days of the week, Monday and Saturday. Both days we take easy and tend to spend the entire day in our pajamas. We don't do much on the weekends. Actually, I try not to leave the house on the weekends, other than church on Sunday of course. Maybe I'm crazy but I think there's just too much traffic, too much hustle and bustle, too much.. I don't know... maybe I'm getting old. Does that sound old?

Anyway, this is supposed to be a wrap up post and thus far I've done nothing but share my fear of leaving my home on Saturdays. So, lets see.. what have we done this week??

Well, we finished our 4th week of the school year. We've been at this homeschooling thing for four years now and I've pretty much accepted that not everything will get done every week. We are in a perpetual state of "behind" but I've decided that as long as we aren't more than a few days behind in something, then well, we really are on schedule! That makes perfect sense, right? It sure does in my head.

Oh! I completed my first sewing project and started my second! I made my own nursing cover with matching burp cloths and I just started the process of making some reusable nursing pads.

They aren't perfect by any means but I'm still excited!!

I had a couple of awesome reviews this week. One for a super helpful Bible study tool for both kids and adults and another for some neat, uplifting kids songs.

I'm in my 35th week of my pregnancy! Which, for me means I should be holding a newborn within the next couple of weeks! My last two came at exactly 36 weeks, so I'm trying to get prepped and ready just incase this little lady follows suit.

That's about it in my little world. Thanks for reading and God bless!!

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